Paper Wasp Removal | What is a paper wasp?
The paper-like material from which they build their nests gives paper wasps their common name. After their unique nests, paper wasps are often called umbrella wasps.
One group of vespid wasp species is the paper wasps. These semi-social stinging insects live in small colonies and do not have a worker’s caste. There are approximately 22 species of paper wasps in North America and many more around the globe. There are many other species of this insect, including the annularis, apache, dominulus, golden, and dorsalis papers wasps. Yellowjackets and other paper wasps are closely related to the potter and mason wasps as well as spider wasps, yellowjackets, hornets, and long-waisted paper wasps. Continue reading for more information, including information about paper wasp stings or paper wasp removal.
What does a paper wasp look like?
The body of paper wasps is similar to that of yellowjackets. However, they are slimmer and have a thinner “waist”. They also have six long legs, a triangular side view and two wings and antennae. Most of their coloration is brown, with some yellow. While they share the same brown and yellow coloration, each species of paper wasp has different markings and colors that distinguish them. Some paper wasp species may have more bold colors than others, or lines that are brighter.
Signs of Paper Wasp Infestation
Paper wasps are known to build nests in residential yards. This is why one of the most obvious signs of an infestation can be seen at the nest and the movement of nearby wasps.
To prevent paper wasp infestations and minimize the chance of being stung, make your home less appealing to them. To avoid getting stung, make sure to inspect the plants before you trim shrubs, hedges, or pick fruit. To prevent paper wasps from entering your home, seal cracks and crevices with silicone-based caulk.
This will help to keep the insects away when they seek food, especially outdoors. Avoid strong scents when you are outdoors and use unscented hygienic products. They should also wear shoes that protect their feet against rogue paper wasps.
Paper Wasp Infestation & Paper Wasp Removal
To get rid of wasps from your home, call a professional pest control company. You should not attempt to remove a paper wasp nest on your own as they will likely sting you.
Paper Wasp Removal
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